Primordial Sound Meditation is a meditation technique originating in the ancient wisdom of India and rediscovered by Dr. Deepak Chopra. This course is perfect for those who would like a formal instruction in meditation or to deepen their current practice. Learn the basics of Primordial Sound Meditation and receive your personal mantra which will elevate your meditation experience.
Primordial Sound Meditation is rooted in India’s ancient Vedic tradition.
This meditation method is based on the teachings of the 8th century sage Adi Shankara. Conferring with Vedic scholars in India and the U.S., Deepak Chopra rediscovered this powerful meditation practice. Thanks to his work, Primordial Sound Meditation is now accessible to all who seek its benefits.
Ancient sages recorded the vibrations of the universe in relation to the moon's position. These vibrations are the primordial sounds - the most basic sounds, or vibrations, of nature.
The personal Primordial Sound mantra you receive reflects the vibration of the universe at the time and place of your birth. When you were born, your awareness emerged from the unmanifest into the manifest. Your personal mantra can draw your awareness back to its nonlocal source.
Escape the chaos. Most of us spend our whole lives in activity, navigating the demands of a noisy, stimulating world. Even when we’re in a completely silent setting, our minds are filled with activity - with thoughts, memories and plans. Meditation is a technique that allows you to settle into quieter levels of awareness until you experience the pure silence within.
Meditation keeps you rooted in calm, even amid chaos.
In this course you will learn the basics, and the scientifically proven benefits, I will answer any questions you might have, and you will receive your personal Primordial Sound Mantra in a traditional ceremony. This personal mantra will help you reap the most benefits of your meditation practice.
Four 90-minute lessons: $495
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